Monday, December 1, 2008


I've done a deplorable job of keeping this blog updated over the last couple of months. I think I need to put a reminder on my calendar each week so that I will keep up with it.

As I look back at this semester and begin to look forward to my return to campus in the spring, I find much to be deeply grateful for. Tomorrow morning I get to head to Chicago with my friend/supervisor, Tammy, for three days of training as a potential Bible study leader during next December's Urbana convention. One of the hallmarks of InterVarsity has been our inductive Bible study method. I feel honored to have the opportunity to learn how to better lead students as they encounter Scripture from veteran staff whom I greatly admire!

God has been very gracious to me as I've stepped away from campus in order to be faithful in my fundraising efforts. I can recount his provision of weekly and sometimes daily reminders that I've been called into this ministry. One of those reminders came in the form of an email from one of my student leaders:

So what have you been studying recently between fundraising? With large group meeting less frequently recently I've been getting things to read off of a favorite site of mine,, but I'm interested in what you've been studying too. Also, knowing you are out there doing hard fundraising every day is really encouraging to me when our small group has trouble getting off the ground, it inspires me to keep working hard and trying different things to reach people =).

I am so incredibly blessed.