Sunday, June 7, 2009


God is demonstrating his love for me in the most tangible ways. Within a couple of hours of sending out my update email on Friday, which included a prayer request for housing, I found a place to live beginning at the end of July! I will be sharing this charming, two bedroom, brick bungalow with my friend Amanda. I met Amanda seven years ago during the CityLights Urban Plunge over a spring break and I am really looking forward to living with her. I've harbored a not-so-secret dream of living in a brick house with real hardwood floors and space in the backyard for a garden for awhile now. Would you believe that this house is exactly that? It is! Talk about divine provision and an unexpected gift.

There it is: my new home! The lighting is not the best since we're about to experience a thunderstorm, but you get the general idea.

Interestingly enough, this house is located just a block down the street from the duplex where I lived during my first year in St. Louis. I don't have a clear sense of what God is up to, but I don't think it's an accident that I am returning to the beginning of so many things at once, even down to the street where I spent my first year on staff.

I am praying that every day that I spend in this little house of dreams will serve as a reminder for me that my Father knows the deepest desires of my heart. Truly he knows how to give good, good gifts to his children.

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