Thursday, March 18, 2010

true life

I've had several moments on campus this year when I have had to remind myself that I did not graduate from Wash U. That's how much it feels like home! This is a total answer to pray and I could not be more grateful for the way that God has allowed my heart to love this institution and its students. In my time here I have been challenged to pray and discover the needs unique to this place. What are the big questions that students at Wash U are asking? Part of InterVarsity's vision is to see campuses renewed. What might that look like? Before I had even stepped foot on campus I remember thinking, "I bet Wash U would be a great place to host a Veritas Forum."

The Veritas Forum exists to "inspire the shapers of tomorrow's culture to connect their hardest questions with the person and story of Jesus Christ." Founded in 1992 at Harvard University, The Veritas Forum has spread to campuses across the country. I am thrilled to announce that the first Veritas Forum at Washington University in St. Louis is taking place on the evening of March 29, 2010.

It has been two years in the making. Initial plans for the inaugural event had to be scrapped in late 2008. The fact that we are on the cusp of seeing it come to fruition is hugely significant as hosting a Veritas Forum requires partnership between Christian student leaders from multiple ministries, campus ministers, and faculty. I believe that the event next Monday night will be the first of many opportunities to elevate the conversation about Jesus on campus and engage students with questions that they are actually asking.

Needless to say the next couple of weeks are going to be full of excitement as we finalize logistical details for the 29th, host the event, and create some strategic follow-up plans to capitalize on the momentum for outreach on campus.

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