Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ministry is not an equation. X amount of effort plus Y amount of planning does not automatically result in the Z results that I was hoping for. It's not as if I didn't know this in theory, it's just that the experience of it is a lot more jarring.

As this reality has played out in my ministry on campus I have found myself contrasting it with the manageable tasks that I find myself involved with at the coffeehouse where I work part-time. There is something satisfying about knowing what I'll get when I start making a latte. Not a lot of surprises. Satisfying in some regards, but I also find that it lacks the deeper sense of fulfillment that I am seeking.

So I will press on. Pray that my student leaders and I will fix our eyes on Jesus and refuse to take what we see around us in the residence halls at face value. God is at work and we long to join him.

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