Monday, November 26, 2007

wrapping up

It is really hard to believe that this semester is coming to a close in just a couple of weeks. As I have been working with the students in One Voice it has become clear that the rigorous academic pace at Wash U pulls them in a lot of different directions. We talked at a leader gathering a couple of weeks ago about how to be good stewards of our time so that we actually have room in our schedules to reach out to the people around us.

In the midst of studying for finals and finishing up projects it would be easy for students to turn inward and neglect the opportunities to minister to their peers that God is placing in front of them. Please pray that God would continue to challenge us to be sacrificial with our time and view it as another resource that we can be generous with.

I was able to spend Thanksgiving in AZ with family. It was so good to get a break from the "transition" mode that I've been in for the last five months. I am looking forward to spending more time with them in three weeks when I return for Christmas break.

Hanging out with my silly nieces was one of the highlights of my visit home!

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