Friday, April 4, 2008

desperately seeking

This morning I met up with a student and her friend for breakfast. Her friend is not a student at Wash U, but he's visiting for the next week before heading to Massachusetts where he'll spend some time at a psychiatric treatment center. He was supposed to start college last fall, but he entered rehab instead. He's been in and out three times since.

He is one among countless. As I heard some of his story I was struck by the reality that we were created to worship, but there are a million ways that can get distorted as we decide where we will surrender our allegiance. My student's friend is still searching and I am hopeful because he wants to be healed. I told him that I will be praying for his time in Massachusetts as we parted ways. Will you join me in doing likewise?

This week I've been asked to mourn with those who mourn. It's brought me to my knees. I think that is a good place for me to be.

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