Wednesday, October 1, 2008

turning blessings back to praise

It's Wednesday and as a reflective person I like to take stock of things on a regular basis. As I look back on the past three days it is clear that God is proving himself faithful in the midst of my internal storm. Stepping into full-time fundraising has felt like walking onto a battleground. I spent a good chunk of last week feeling deeply discouraged and the whispered lies that I am not really called to advance the kingdom at Wash U sounded more like shouts. In the midst of the storm I have experienced God's provision in the following ways:

1. People have been available to pray for me in the moments when I have felt most discouraged.

2. An additional 7% of my budget has been raised in the past 48 hours. I am nearly to 50%!

3. I get to hang out with my students and help lead a seminar on social justice at FC08 this weekend. This is a huge gift that I do not take for granted since I am not able to hang out with them while I am off-campus fundraising.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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